“5 generations of winegrowers and 3 generations of opera singers“
Three generations of Opera singers began in 1936 when Alexandre’s grandfather Emile Audier won the first prize at the Conservatory of Music of Marseille, (France’s leading Opera theatre after Paris). From an early age Alexandre was enchanted by this long-standing family tradition. At the age of six he became the first soloist of the Little Boys Choir of Monte-Carlo. Having recorded multiple discs, he was considered their primary soloist. (photo chorale)
Alexandre with the Prince Albert from Monaco
The CREPS School of Boulouris
Aged 13, convinced by his school sports teacher he went into athletics. In his first year, he reached the final of the French championship and won a scholarship to a high-level sports centre called CREPS de Boulouris in the department of the Var.
A few years later he stood on the podium of the French championship and was part of the French team in the under nineteens 400m hurdles.
The same year he passed his bac S before joining the Math Sup prep. These engineering studies left him little time to train and he finally turned to a science faculty where he would benefit from flexible hours so that he could continue his training. Three years later he obtained his license.
The passion of opera reignited
Due to his intense sports training Alexandre became seriously injured, and was unable to continue performing. He therefore took refuge in music and reignited his love of singing. Alexandre joined the Conservatory of Music in Monaco and then the conservatory of Milan in Italy. Before long he was winning prizes at well-known international competitions such as in San Remo, Milan, Alés… This opened up many opportunities to sing throughout Europe. He played the leading tenor at the Opera Theatres of Rotterdam, Bologne, Monte-Carlo, Sassari, Spoletto, Macerata in Operas such as La Boheme, L’elixir d’amour and Tosca.
In 2008, at a turning point in his career, he obtained the leading role at the Opera of Rome (directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi). But the long hours of the opera meant extended periods of time away from home and his beloved winery.
Alexandre playing Traviata at Monte-Carlo’s opera
With genuine interests in wine and nature he suddenly decided, at just the start of his lyrical career, to dedicate himself to the winery studying oenology. In 2008 he and his wife Simone obtained a diploma in Global Installation in Agriculture. This same year he was called by Pier Luigi Pizzi, one of the world’s greatest musical directors, to sing one of the leading roles at the Opera of Rome. Against all odds, despite this wonderful experience, he decided to put on hold his career as an opera singer and to pursue his dream of combining Opera and Wine.
It became apparent to Alexandre that he needed to find a way to combine these two demanding loves, of both wine and opera, without neglecting either. The answer lay in the choice Alexandre made in 2009 when he decided to dedicate himself to the winery devising ways to incorporate his two passions. Many endeavours and research were made to create wines in the spirit of opera. Finally, the association began to flourish and over time the concept evolved and matured, now displaying a unique and spectacular range of artistic wines that could only be made by an artist himself.
In 2014 he invented ‘The Musical Amuse-Bouche’ of which he protected the creation. His dream of combining music and wine took shape. French television showed great interested in his concept and devoted a report to it his inventive creation.
In 2015 he created a performance around wine, opera and French gastronomy called ‘The Wine-Man-Show’. It was launched in France in collaboration with a Michelin-starred chef in the city of Nice before showing huge success in China. The Chinese CCTV devoted a magnificent report to Chateau Juliette and ‘The Wine Man Show’ which was displayed all over the country.
In 2016, Alexandre brought music to his wine. Convinced that the musical waves have a positive influence on the yeast he inserted speakers into his wine vats and immediately saw difference during the vinification and the blending.
A year later, Chateau Juliette joined forces with Hua Jiming, one of China’s most famous painters (known for his Gioconda with the Red Star / New York Times) and participated in the opening of the largest Picasso museum in China. The brand then became an icon in China for wines from the Southern Rhône Valley. At one of his shows, Alexandre sung in the Chinese language “Wo ai ni Zhongguo” (I love you China) a Chinese national folk song, where the by the Mayor of Beijing and the Deputy Secretary General of the Communist Party were invited.
In 2018, Alexandre performed with his Wine Man Show at the Chang An Club, the most prestigious entertainment centre in Beijing.
Today, Alexandre has found his peace surrounded by music, nature and his family. His intentions now are to spread his Opera and Wine concept further throughout Europe, the USA and other Asia countries.